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Entomologist Answers Insect Questions

Museum entomologist - insect roadshow

The insect roadshow Museum entomologist Max Barclay identifies beetles, flies and earwigs brought in by members of the audience! A must see for insect-mad kids...

2006-08-29 24:41 1 Dailymotion

Bug Expert Answers Insect Questions From Twitter

Entomologist Samuel Ramsey answers the internet's burning questions about insects. What are the best insects to eat? Why do crickets hear from their legs? How d...

2021-09-27 10:59 3 Dailymotion

Australian Entomologist Shows Off Giant Prickly Stick Insect

This Australian nature enthusiast and ‘Wannabe Entomologist’ has a large collection of creepy crawlies, including several spiders. This creature, ho...

2016-10-07 00:39 1 Dailymotion

How Entomologists Use Insects to Solve Crimes

"Insects never lie. Insects are tiny witnesses," says forensic entomologist Dr. Paola Magni. On a crime scene, insects like maggots play a key role in determini...

2022-10-21 06:16 251 Dailymotion

Questions & Answers


2024-05-16 08:49 2 Dailymotion